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When you are building a business, it is sure that you will get some of the things wrong. Every entrepreneur does. It’s part of the learning process. If you’re not failing occasionally, you are not learning anything new.

Though some mistakes your startup faces are more significant than others, there’s one mistake that’s the biggest of all.

It’s not marketing, it’s targeting wrong customers that do not demand your product or service. To discover your audience, you will need to experiment a lot. You will run ads that fail to generate a response. You’ll target the wrong demographic, appeal on the wrong platforms, and make offers that don’t bring any results.

Starting your Own Business

It can be upsetting to not see any clicks or conversions after you have launched your marketing campaign. But each of those mistakes teaches you something. They teach you what doesn’t work, and let you cross one more strategy off your list of marketing ideas.

When you try all the strategies in your list you will hit one that resonates. You’ll find out what works best, and through trial and error and smart adjustments, you’ll have a successful marketing campaign. You’ll gradually improve the messaging and add urgency to your offering. When you finally find the correct campaign and plant it on the right platform, you can set up and run it whenever you launch a product.

There is no such thing as a wrong product, there are only wrong customers

When Hahna Alexander launched the SolePower LLC Company and developed a shoe insole that transforms energy from walking to power cellphones, she thought she had the ideal solution to mobile charge anxiety. But wearers were not impressed by the product and instead decided to put a spare battery in their bag and wear normal shoes.

Wrong Customers

She went back to the drawing board and gave a slight alteration to the product. This time, instead of powering a battery, the gizmos she placed in the soles powered GPS and health monitors. Now her SolePower company is highly in demand in the construction industry, rescue projects, and the military.

Product creation is always a trial and error process.

You can never tell how people will react to a product until they get it in their hands and operate it. Once you receive the suggestions and feedback on the product, then you can start making adjustments and create an improved version. Also, there is no such thing as hiring the wrong people. Sure, an employee who doesn’t provide his full potential or a partner who doesn’t see eye-to-eye can hold you back, but there are always solutions to that problem.

Growing a startup means learning how to manage people

Team Work

If an employee isn’t delivering the results you want, then helping them to advance will help you level up. It’s better to acquire those management skills when the team is still small as once the company grows into a team of a hundred, it will be hard to manage. Inevitably, you will have to lay people off so learning how to manage your team is the fundamental beginning od growing a startup.

If a partner always disagrees, maybe you need to clear things out 

Maybe you are too stuck in your idea and need to learn to see things from a different perspective. Sometimes breaking up is the only solution to implement your idea in your way. Breaking up a partnership can be even more awful than firing an employee, but it could give you the freedom you need.

There’s only one fatal mistake you can make when building a startup i.e. not enjoying the process. 

You might be looking forward to taking your company to great heights, but that’s impossible if you don’t enjoy building it. You may imagine yourself as an elite company with your name on the building, but there’s no guarantee you’re going to reach those destinations.

Enjoy the Process

The only guarantee you can expect from a startup is travelling down a path at some point. The path will not be smooth but your experience and skill will have you make this journey an enjoyable one. Thinking only of the endpoint is the one mistake that will ensure you never reach it.

If you want your startup to take a smooth journey to the top, you may need help from Digital Presence Today. We have a dedicated team of designers, writers and marketers who can help you identify your wrong moves and switch it to the right path. With a proven track record of creating powerful user experiences, the services of Digital Presence Today is what your startup needs. For full information about our services, visit

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