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If you have a great software idea, you would certainly want to get the most out of it. However, even with the best software idea in the world, you won’t be earning much if you don’t follow the 6 basic pre-launch steps. Here is a software pre-launch checklist that you have to follow if you want to earn the maximum.

Software Pre-Launch Checklist

1. Define Your Market

In today’s world, you have to be prepared for everything. Here is what you need to understand to get the most out of it. There are three factors you have to define:

Target audience- First you have to define who is the product for and the age group of potential customers. See why do your customers want your product and figure out their background. To convince your audience, you will have to satisfy their biggest need.

Competition- There is always an opportunity to learn from your competitors. Find out what is unique about your product and list down your USP.

Brand Image – Today, a well-defined brand makes or breaks a business. The generation today is the most brand-loyal generation which is the best thing. Sure, the quality of the product is what makes the customers stay, but you have to attract them first.

2. Early Domain Bird

Early Domain Bird

List several names for your software and shorten the list to a couple. Do some market research to find out which name represents your software best and which one resonates best with your audience. Pick the one that seems the most catchy and easy to remember. Once you’ve picked the name, immediately get your domain and site ready and working online.

You should have your domain secured and ready to operate even if the official launching day is still far away.

3. Testing

Quality assessment of your software can be done in several ways. In one of the methods, you can outsource to a software testing company to conduct manual testing of your product. This can help you discover small details that you might have overlooked. Your targets may praise some qualities you didn’t think of promoting in your marketing campaigns. After testing, you add the missing things in your software.

Testing is just one of many quality assessment strategies that you could utilize but it’s not all about the customers or your software. You should also remember to establish a quality culture among your workers and employees as well. Find ways how to motivate employees to dedicate themselves and delivering the highest quality.

4. Train the Team

Train the Team

Informative client support can help you to engage with customers. Some software options are taken for granted and customers mainly decide on the price and a couple of features offered.

The big companies, however, try to gain as much insight as possible. Train your team so that they can answer all the impossible questions and customer queries. Your team deserves to know all the details, advantages, and downsides, to be able to provide the best idea.

5. Marketing Matters

The best way to attract new clients is by providing special offers and free trials. But first, your software package must seem practical and appealing to the customers. Employ the best designers and work on your logo and emails. Branding is extremely important as later as the company grows it will be the brand logo that your customer will remember.

Every shape and color will send a message to make it the best.

6. Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan

Don’t wait to see how things turn out for you. Just like planning the launch, you should also have a plan ready for everything that follows. Whether the sales go up or down, you should know how to react and how to normalize the issues.

For example, if the sales are doing extremely well, you must know how you are going to invest the money? Conversely, if the sales are down, you must have new sales strategies ready in advance or calculate the time needed to make alterations to the software package.


If you are planning to launch the software you should realize there is a lot of work ahead of you. Don’t mess around! Get straight to the point and start checking things off our list as soon as possible. Make sure you check all of the items on your list and ask people’s opinions who are already in the field and consider them.

You must have a solid business plan and follow it. Skipping a step can only result in disaster. These tips will help you stay on the game of your software pre-launch and hopefully get a positive response from the audience.

If you are looking to launch a software, Digital Presence Today can help provide interactive, responsive, and dynamic solutions in the domains of business websites, e-commerce solutions, and shopping cart solutions with integrated analytics tools. Visit for more information.

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