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Having a strong social presence is just as important as having a solid website presence. In fact, both should compliment each other and be used jointly towards engaging and converting users into customers.
Many businesses today have Twitter accounts precisely for this purpose yet are not engaging their users or increasing their reach as best they can. The fact of the matter is that, as a business house or individual, you can engage and reach more Twitter followers while posting less if you follow the 10 simple expert twitter tips we’ve outlined below.

These expert tips have been constructed by analyzing the latest Twitter and social media statistics.

1) Include a link and increase your retweet rate by up to 86% vs. standard tweets:

Increasing your reach is an effective way of attracting new followers. Including a link in your tweet will increase your chances of having your tweet retweeted. This will get your tweet in front of more people and result in more followers.

2) Tweets that include an image link are 2 times more likely to engage follower:

Keeping your current followers interested is important, otherwise, they’ll just stop following you! One of the best ways to engage your followers is to add an image link to your tweets. Visual elements engage users much more quickly than standard text and when you’re trying to get your tweets noticed ahead of others, that’s a good thing.

3) Use appropriate hashtags to increase user engagement by up to 2 times.:

Social Media Marketing is not about just pushing your product, it’s more about having conversations with your prospective audience. Hashtags allow us to join conversations so that we can speak to twitter users who are interested in the same topic as us. After all, we all like to talk about things that interest us so it goes without saying that including a hashtag in your tweet will only increase your user engagement.

4) Ask to Retweet:

Asking for a retweet is free on Twitter, isn’t it? So, gently ask for a retweet, and increase your chance of receiving that what it is you have asked for. You are 12 times more likely to be retweeted if you ask and 23 times if you spell out the word ‘retweet’

5) Tweets between 100 – 120 characters get 17% higher user engagement :

Sometimes people just want, what they want, when they want it. It’s a product of our time. Give it to them in under 120 characters to keep them interested but not so few that you aren’t giving them what they want.

6) User engagement on Twitter is 17% higher on weekends vs. weekdays:

Many of us socialize with our family and friends especially when we’re not working. The same is true for social media. Many people take to Twitter during their free time and more so during the weekends. As a result, you have a greater likely hood of engaging your users during this time. You can use tools like Hootsuite or Buffer to help you schedule posts during the weekends.

7) Retweeters are 122% more likely to send direct messages through Twitter:

A retweeter can be thought of as an amplifier because they can take your content and increase its reach. They use Twitter to communicate with their family and friends through Twitter Direct Messages and in turn, they are more likely to speak directly to their followers regarding things they like.

8) Mobile power users are 181% more likely to be on Twitter during daily commutes :

As we learned in tip #6, knowing when to engage your users is important. Throughout the week, you can engage your followers (or non-followers using hashtag) during their lengthy morning and afternoon commutes. Your tweet can be that momentary spark of humor or wisdom that will make their tedious commute that much more bearable.

9) 66% of user-generated tweets about brands are done on mobile devices :

Well, this stats is a gem. First, we know that engaging users on their mobile devices is very important. This holds true not only for Twitter but with all social networks and brand websites. Therefore we need to ensure that all of our social media and web properties are optimized for mobile devices.
Second, since we know users are using mobile devices for tweeting about brands, we would like to ensure that our interactions with followers are mobile-friendly as well. Including links, hashtags and properly formatted user links ensure that users continue using their mobile apps rather than opening a new browser tab or relying on other devices to find information.

10) 55 to 64-year-olds is the fastest growing Twitter audience:

No matter what your business is, this age group cannot be ignored in demographic while planning twitter advertisement. Yet, yet most advertisers miss to advertise to this age group. Not to say that, people in this age group and active on twitter are likely to be more financially secure than younger age groups and have more decision taking capabilities, and as a result, they have more money to buy your product or influence to give recommendations.

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