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Can a business run only on cold emails? Who reads emails these days? These questions must be coming into your mind. For your relief, cold emails can still help you in generating new leads for your business if done in the right way.

Cold Email

A cold email is an email that’s sent without prior permission or contact with the recipient. This means it’s almost unanimously favoured by both the recipient and the sender.

Many businesses still depend on cold emails to drive sales. If you are thinking that emails can only help you when dealing with small companies, then you’re mistaken. Many companies are using cold email to deal with large enterprises too.

Follow these six tips to grow your small business with cold emails:

1. Build a Persona

Build a Persona

If you can create the right persona, your half the task is done. But how can you create the right persona?

The best way of creating a persona is by filtering people depending on certain factors. If you run a marketing agency that serves startups, then you should target the founders of the startup whose organization size is less than 50 employees. Get the details and send targeted emails.

2. Investing in a tool

Many people prefer sending cold emails manually. That’s great when you want to send 300 emails in a month. But what if you want to send emails on a larger scale. You will require a tool to help you send email campaigns of this scale.

If you are using dynamic tools, you will not only be able to save on a lot of time but also track a lot of metrics such as open rates, click rates & more. When you are at the early stages of your start-up, Lemlist is a great tool that can help you send automated emails at a larger scale. If you don’t want to invest in a paid tool, you can use Google Sheets to track campaign metrics.

3. Sending the right emails

The subject line & the email body is everything as its the first impression you make to the recipient. It can either help you gain customers & wipe out all your leads. Your subject line is very important if you want your emails to be opened & read by your prospects. Try to be very precise with your subjects.

Some of the best subject lines include:

  • Quick Question
  • Question for <Company Name>

Make sure you have these four elements in the body:

  • Personalization (Name, Company Name)
  • Reason for reaching out
  • Social Proof
  • Call To Action

Avoid writing long emails as you don’t want to take the precious time of your recipient. Moreover, these emails tend to get fewer responses so go for short and sweet emails.

4. Follow up is the key

Many people don’t get in touch after the first follow up. But following up multiple times is the key, there are times where people get replies even after the fourth or fifth follow-up.

Also, it is important to personalize the follow-ups before sending them. Make sure to include a credible reason for following up each time. Unless you personalize your messages, there’s no use of following up as your recipients will end up unsubscribing.

5. Quality vs Quantity

Quality vs Quantity

You should always focus on quality rather than quantity. Many people disagree with this approach, but quality always wins over quantity. So make sure to give your best in email message so that you can end up getting more replies & open rates. The lesson is that, work smart instead of working smart.

6. Track your Success

Track your Success

Doing everything at the same time is not beneficial for a startup. Try to analyze the success of each campaign before starting another one. By evaluating the previous emails, it can help you get an idea of what to do next. Some metrics you must note are open rates, responses, link clicks & closed deals.


If you’re looking for other ways to generate leads, cold emails are the next best option for you. They are still very effective if done correctly. Digital Presence Today can help you generate leads with cold emails as we specialize in digital marketing solutions including email marketing. To know more about cold emails, visit,

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