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With developments in technology and regular updates made by search engines, marketing tactics change constantly. Each year new growth strategies for business are introduced which become more impactful. Sticking to the same tactics is ineffective for engaging with both current customers and potential customers. Instead of just running the same inadequate growth tactics, it’s time to adopt new ones in 2022.

Here are four unique growth strategies for business that you can implement in 2022:

Unique Growth Tactics for 2020

1. Optimize Your Sales Pipeline For Engagement

The first key growth strategy for business is optimizing the sales pipeline for your business. You may probably have a great sales pipeline in place, but there is always room for improvement. The main issue in many sales pipelines is the inability to communicate with prospects. If you have great leads, you need to engage with them to build a relationship consistently.


Optimize Your Sales Pipeline For Engagement

Many fail to engage in fear of “annoying” their prospects or being too intrusive, but engaging doesn’t have to be a sales pitch every single time. It can be as simple as asking how you can help or providing new solutions to their problems. A great way to increase engagement is to bring changes in your engagement process. If customers are not responding to email messages, try engaging them on a new platform, like social media, or SMS.

SMS has become one of the most effective ways to engage prospects throughout the sales funnel. It taps into the idea of conversational marketing, which has proven to be the best way of turning leads into customers.

2. Run Personalized Landing Page Campaigns

Run Personalized Landing Page Campaigns

Personalization has always been an important growth strategy for business. The more you can personalize according to the customer’s preferences, the better you can grow. Your personalized campaigns, web pages, ad copy, and content are all great ways to speak directly to your target market.

Personalized ones convert at higher rates than generic campaigns as they help you speak directly to pain points, rather than using generalizations.

Today, personalization is crucial for marketing and will continue to be in the new year too. By building personalized landing page campaigns, you take it to the next level and create unique experiences for your potential clients to help you grow.

Whats is a personal landing page?

A personalized landing page is a campaign that is used to sell to more premium and high-value target accounts in addition to specific niche segments. You can also personalize landing pages for less distinct target segments.

One of the best options is to use website builders. Choose one website builder that matches your price range and usability. Keep in mind that you want to scale these pages fast and with templates / drag-and-drop to be able to run personalized pages fast when trying to close deals with major client accounts.

3. Build Authority Faster By Being a Journalist Source

Building brand authority is a growth strategy for business in itself. Without a brand name and social proof, growth can be extremely slow. Branding helps you attract new customers by showcasing that your brand is the right choice and setting yourself apart from the competition. One of the fastest ways to do your branding is by providing tidbits of information to help improve articles for journalists

It often comes in the form of quotes and advice. Many experts contribute their opinions and information to the article, helping both the journalist and their brands. Thankfully, doing this is extremely easy, and it’s one of the best PR hacks. In the new year include PR in your list of growth strategies for business and start focusing heavily on building more brand awareness as it is one of the driving forces of purchase decisions.


Create Dynamic Content Marketing Formats


4. Create Dynamic Content Marketing Formats

We all know that content is king and we experience it daily when searching for solutions on Google. Content is both useful and enjoyable to consume for business and pleasure. Everyone seems to be blogging and writing new content to drive organic traffic that converts but the problem arises when the content is not unique for the majority of people producing it.

Millions of blog posts are published every single day, making them one of the common growth strategies for business. But in the new year, content is shifting from just written content to two more unique content formats like podcasts and videos.

While blog posts garner just 15 seconds of attention on average, people are watching hours of video content and listening to hours more of podcast content daily. Now is the time to branch out into more than just keyword-driven blog content. Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music are goldmines for organic traffic and brand awareness.

Any and every business can develop interesting podcast content that is easily digestible, driving more organic visits, and creating brand awareness. Start by looking at your blog and analyzing the latest posts you have written.

Also Read: 12 Digital marketing trends for the new year, that you need to be prepared for


If you want to grow your business in 2022, repeating the same overused business growth strategies are is not recommended. Implement these four unique growth strategies for business in the coming year for improved growth and success of your startup or business. Digital Presence Today has plenty of unique growth tactics at your disposal. You can depend on Digital Presence Today to help you optimize your sales pipeline for engagement, run personalized landing page campaigns, build authority faste and create dynamic content marketing formats. To get full access to digital marketing solutions, visit

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